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赢创——超越化学边界,引领美好未来赢创是全球领先的特种化学品公司。专注于特种化工业务、以客户为导向的创新实力、相互信任和业绩为先的企业文化构成了赢创的核心战略,推动着公司的盈利性增长,并持续提升公司价值。我们不断贴近客户,并在众多业务领域占据市场领先地位。赢创的业务遍及100 多个国家和地区。2020财年,赢创销售额为122亿欧元,营业利润(调整后税息折旧及摊销前利润)达19.1亿欧元。我们超越化学的边界,致力于为客户打造创新型、高营利性以及可持续发展的解决方案。赢创在全球的33,000多名员工始终不懈努力,只为让生活变得日益美好。[赢创大中华区]赢创从20世纪30年代起便在中国开展业务,自70年代末开始在大中华区生产特种化学品。我们视中国为推动全球经济发展的主要驱动力之一,并为实现业务在中国的持续增长而不断努力。2020财年,赢创在中国的业务销售额超过13亿欧元。目前,我们在中国有超过2,700名员工和12个生产基地。中国多用户基地(MUSC)是赢创大中华区***的生产基地。该基地坐落于上海化学工业园区内,累计投资已超过7亿欧元。目前,该基地整合了异佛尔酮和异佛尔酮二胺工厂、有机特种化学品工厂、有机硅工厂以及赢创其它领先产品生产工厂。赢创持续聚焦中国社会和经济发展的大趋势,包括人口结构变化、中产阶级规模增长、可持续发展等,把握市场机遇,确保公司业务在本地区的持续增长。我们携手客户、合作伙伴,为5G 通信、新能源汽车、可持续食品供给、基础设施建设、环境保护和循环经济等增长型行业贡献高价值的解决方案。[人才是我们重要的资产]人才是赢创实现可持续增长战略的最重要资产,我们不断培养高素质的本地经理人担任公司的重要职位,并为其提供在集团的职业发展机会。“发现机会 共享成长”是我们作为***雇主的承诺。自2007年起,赢创已14次荣获由国际调研机构杰出雇主调研机构(Top Employers Institute)颁发的“中国杰出雇主”荣誉。Evonik – leading beyond chemistryEvonik is one of the world leaders in specialty chemicals. The focus on more specialty businesses, customer-orientated innovative prowess and a trustful and performance-oriented corporate culture form the heart of Evonik’s corporate strategy. They are the lever for profitable growth and a sustained increase in the value of the company. Evonik benefits specifically from its customer proximity and leading market positions.Active in more than 100 countries around the world, the company generated sales of 12.2 billion and an operating profit (adjusted EBITDA) of 1.91 billion in 2020. Evonik goes far beyond chemistry to create innovative, profitable and sustainable solutions for customers. More than 33,000 employees work together for a common purpose: We want to improve life, day by day.[Evonik in Greater China]Evonik has been producing specialty chemical products in Greater China since the late 1970’s with wide-ranging trading relations as early as the 1930s in the region. Evonik regards China as one of the driving forces of the global economy and we consequently endeavor to grow our business here. Sales in Greater China reached 1.3 billion in 2020. The company now employs over 2,700 employees and has in total of 12 production sites. Our largest production site in Greater China is located in Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (SCIP) with an accumulated investment of over 700 million The site houses the production plants of isophorone & isophorone diamine, specialty organics, silicone surfactants and other Evonik advanced products.By providing key answers to the social and economic megatrends such as demographic changes, growing middle class, sustainable development, etc., Evonik is well positioned to capture opportunities in the China markets and continue to drive business growth. We work together with our customers and partners to deliver high quality solutions in booming industries, for example, 5G communications, new mobility, sustainable food production, infrastructure, environment and circular economy.[People are our most important assets]Evonik regards people as the most important assets for our sustainable growth. Wherever possible, we aim to fill key positions with highly qualified local managers and offer them attractive career opportunities in the Group.Evonik has been awarded for 14 times one of “China’s Top Employers” by the international publishing company Top Employers Institute since 2007.Address: No.55, Chundong Road, Xinzhuang Industry Park, Shanghai 莘庄工业区春东路55号

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★获得荣誉中国制药工业百强企业浙江省医药工业十强企业国家技术创新示范企业***企业技术中心国家环境友好企业国家高新技术企业国家创新型企业★国际化先驱中国*** 制剂通过美国FDA认证的制药企业中国*** 在美国获得制剂批准文号的制药企业中国*** 实现制剂规模化出口美国市场的制药企业中国*** 挑战美国原研专利成功的制药企业★国际化成绩拥有ANDA批准文号最多的中国药企之一12个产品在美国销售市场占有率***2018中国西成药出口总额排名***2019美国仿制药处方量增速***★国内成绩一致性评价通过品种数量最多的药企之一“4+7”带量采购中标品种数量最多的药企浙江华海药业股份有限公司(股票代码:600521)创立于1989年,总部位于中国浙江。集团现有员工6500多人,在全球拥有40多家分子公司(包括美国、日本、俄罗斯、西班牙、印度等);业务覆盖化学药、生物药、医药包装、贸易流通等多个领域,与全球500多家制药企业建立了长期合作关系,为近200个国家和地区提供医疗健康产品。集团产品涵盖:心血管、精神类、抗病毒、抗组胺等领域,是全球主要的心血管、精神类健康医疗产品制造商。作为中国医药国际化先导企业,华海药业是中国***通过美国FDA制剂质量认证并自主拥有ANDA文号的制药公司,也是***在美国实现规模化制剂销售的中国制药公司,在世界高端制药市场树立了中国制药品质形象。集团同时凭借自身国际化平台,以运筹全球市场的高度,引领中国其他本土制药公司冲出国门、走向世界,为中国医药行业的崛起而努力。在中国,华海制剂产品已覆盖国内30多个省市。作为民族药企所肩负的使命,华海药业致力于为中国人民提供国际品质、国产价格的医疗健康产品,服务百姓健康。

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