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公司简介:    深圳市绿联科技股份有限公司成立于2012年,是集数码周边、充电设备等产品的自主研发、设计、生产、销售于一体的高新技术企业。公司以追求用户体验为出发点,生产出了一系列独具绿联风格的优秀产品。绿联产品以“绿联”/“Ugreen”品牌积极开展国内、国际平台的合作,国内主要是以天猫、京东等主流平台,国际的Amazon\Aliexpress等平台,公司产品行销中国、德国、法国、意大利、西班牙、英国、美国、日本、墨西哥、加拿大、巴西、俄罗斯、东南亚、南美等国家和地区,并积累了良好的口碑。    我们是一个由80、90后组成的充满活力和凝聚力的团队,我们深信“人才”是公司的未来,相信每一位有才能的人员都可以在公司找到合适您的位置,让我们一同朝着梦想前进!公司福利1、完善的保护网让你无后顾之忧——六险一金2、来了绿联,车子房子厨子都可以省了——提供食宿(外住200元房补)3、不怕你涨薪,就怕你不拼——2次调薪,1-3月年终奖4、来了绿联才是真正的深圳人——办理深圳人才引进业务5、世界再大,也有我们陪你看完——年度旅游、各种团建6、除了会玩,我们还会吃吃喝喝——下午茶、生日会、聚餐7、成长的路上并不彷徨——完善的导师制、透明的晋升制度8、十八般武艺,任你学——各项技能培训9、我们跟你一样关心着你的家人——免费年度体检、小孩教育基金作息时间:公司实行大、小周工作制,星期一至星期五工作时间:9:00--18:00,上7.5小时;小周周六工作时间:9:00-16:00,上5.5小时 (12:00-13:30 午休)公交站台:龙华交管所、龙华村站附近地铁:6号线 元芬站B出口企业文化:使命:为用户创造价值,提升员工幸福感, 为社会发展做贡献。愿景:成为一个有价值、有温度的全球性品牌。价值观:以用户为中心、真诚、敬业

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公司主营通讯和半导体两大业务板块,目前已经形成从芯片设计、晶圆制造、半导体封装测试到产业物联网、通讯终端、笔记本电脑、IoT、汽车电子产品研发制造于一体的庞大产业布局。通讯业务板块包括手机、平板、笔电、IoT、汽车电子等领域,服务的客户均为全球主流品牌,已经与90%以上的主流品牌建立合作关系并不断深化。研发中心分布在上海、无锡、深圳、西安,制造基地分布在嘉兴、无锡、印度和印尼,另外在美国、韩国、日本设立了创新中心。国际数据公司IDC、美国市场调研机构IHS和中国赛诺市场研究公司的研究数据均显示,闻泰连续多年出货量在全球手机ODM(原始设计制造)行业中处于龙头地位。半导体业务板块闻泰科技旗下的安世半导体是全球知名的半导体IDM公司,是原飞利浦半导体标准产品事业部,有60多年半导体研发和制造经验,总部位于荷兰奈梅亨,晶圆制造工厂在德国汉堡和英国曼彻斯特,封装测试工厂位于中国东莞、菲律宾卡布尧和马拉西亚芙蓉。客户超过2.5万个,产品种类超过1.5万种,每年新增700多种新产品,全部为车规级产品。安世半导体年产能超过1000亿颗,在与欧美半导体巨头的竞争中,安世在各个细分领域均处于全球领先。Wingtech Technology-- The world's leading company in communications and semiconductor.Wingtech’s main business includes communication terminal and semiconductor business. We have formed a huge industry layout from chip design, wafer manufacturing, semiconductor packaging test to IIoT, communication terminals, laptop, IoT, auto electronic products R&D manufacturing.Communications Business:The communication terminal business include mobile phones, tablets, laptops, IoT and other fields. The customers we served are all global top brands, and we have established cooperative relationship with more than 90% of the mainstream brands and kept deepening it. R&D centers are located in Shanghai, Wuxi, Shenzhen, and Xi 'an, manufacturing bases are located in Jiaxing, Wuxi, India and Indonesia, and innovation centers are located in the United States, South Korea and Japan.Research data from international data company IDC, American market research institute IHS and China's Sano market research which all showed that Wingtech Technology's shipments have been in the leading position in the global mobile phone ODM (original design and manufacturing) industry for continuous years.Semiconductor Business:Nexperia is the world-renowned semiconductor IDM company, which belongs to Wingtech Technology. Nexperia was the original Royal Philips semiconductor standard products division. They have more than 60 years of semiconductor R&D and manufacturing experience, headquartered in Nijmegen, Netherlands, wafer manufacturing located in Hamburg, Germany and the UK Manchester, assembly factory in Dongguan, China, Cabuyao, Philippines and Seremban, Malaysia. They have more than 25,000 customers and more than 15,000 types of products. More than 700 new products are added for every year, all of them are vehicle regulation level products.Nexperia annual production capacity is more than 100 billion units. During the competition with various European and American semiconductor giant, Nexperia is the world leader in each segment.

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