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雅兰,创立于1966年香港九龙塘。至今已发展成为涵盖家居用品(主要为床垫及床上用品)生产经营、地产开发、酒店经营管理等于一身的集团公司,集团旗下的深圳雅兰家居用品有限公司,主营雅兰床垫的生产和销售。雅兰总部位于广东深圳,截止2018年7月全国范围内设有门店800余家。在国内同行业中,雅兰床垫的生产、销售、利润等均名列前茅;在东南亚地区,雅兰是家喻户晓的名牌,连续23年香港家庭占有率***;更远销美国、澳大利亚、新加坡等国,深受消费者喜爱。    雅兰床垫现有雅兰系列、雅兰A|Design、雅兰电商系列及雅兰Sleep+系列床垫、软床、卧室家具等产品。作为中国弹簧床垫的先驱,早在1973年,雅兰凭借过硬的品质成为英军远东司令部的供应商;1982年,雅兰荣获香港工业总会颁发的优质产品标志证书(Q-MARK),成为行业内***获此殊荣的企业。52年辉煌,雅兰荣誉等身:香港超级品牌、广东省名牌产品等,更取得ISO9001、ISO14001认证、中国环境标志产品认证、国家产品质量免检证书等一系列质量品质认证。    成为“百年企业”已然成为全体员工的共同心愿。公司以“成就品质生活”为使命,怀揣“品质传承,百年不渝;中国匠心,经典绽放”的愿景,不断引入全球经典品牌,用中国匠心精神,绽放全球美梦。50年大事件(精选版)1966 雅兰诞生于香港九龙塘,开启中国床垫行业时代序幕1972 成为英国皇家驻军远东司令部供应商1975 雅兰积极拓展东南亚市场,在印尼雅加达投资开办***家分厂同年雅兰台湾分公司成立1982 成为行业***获得香港优质产品标志Q唛(Q-MARK)认证企业1983 进军中国大陆,首厂设址于深圳,雅兰大中华区业务版图的发展之路自此开启1988 中国同行业***入选美国ISPA国际睡眠协会家具制造商1997-1999 雅兰获香港品牌发展局和香港中华厂商联合会颁发“香港十大名牌”殊荣2002 在香港大学对诸多著名品牌床褥测试中,雅兰床褥综合评分***2002-2008/2011年 ?荣获“香港超级品牌”殊荣2005年 荣获“深圳特区成立25周年杰出贡献奖”2011 成为《中华人民共和国轻工行业标准-软体家具-弹簧软床垫行业标准》(2011年版)主要起草单位之一2012 “正版正货”承诺授牌企业2012 国家标准化良好行为AAAA企业2013 CCTV走进雅兰,央视权威媒体鉴证“一张好床垫的态度”2013 雅兰荣获“香港名牌十年成就奖”2014 雅兰邀请香港名媛歌后陈慧琳倾情代言,在同行业领域一枝独秀2014 荣获“绿色环保领跑品牌”称号2015 深圳首批入选“绿色家具优品”模范品牌1993-2016 连续23年在香港弹弓床褥市场占有率领先(数据来自尼尔森报告)2015-2018 雅兰连续四年荣获世界品牌大奖(World Branding Awards)2017 荣获“五星品质认定+中国绿色家居优品”企业2018 雅兰梦享家系列翡格丽床架荣获“2018尖峰设计亚太奖-优秀设计奖”2018 连续36年荣获香港Q唛优质产品认证(1983-2018)2018 荣获深圳首届“深圳品牌百强企业”荣誉2018 荣获“深圳老字号”认证 乘车路线: 地铁:三号线(龙岗线)丹竹头站下车C出口,再沿深惠路往横岗方向走10分钟即到雅兰集团员工福利一、国家法定假:五天双休制,所有在职员工均可享受国家法定假,其它年假、婚假、产假、丧假、哺乳假、工伤假等均按国家相关的法律执行。二、社会保险及住房公积金:所有人员依照相关法律规定入职即买五险一金.三、旅游/体检:公司每年安排员工一次旅游和体检四、员工交通车公司为职员特设有接送至丹竹头地铁站的交通车五、***调动对符合深圳市***调动基本条件的员工,经总裁办审核后,公司可协助办理其***调动六、产品优惠1、凡是在公司连续工作满两年的员工,可在零售价的基础上五折优惠购买本公司生的床垫一件及床上用品一套七、免费赠送1、在本集团公司连续工作满五年的职员,公司免费赠送床垫及床上用品一套,此后每连续工作满五年同样获此待遇.2.在本集团公司连续工作满两年以上的新婚职员,公司免费赠送床垫及床上用品一套。                                                                                     Hong Kong Airland Co., Ltd          Airland –a perfect fusion of air and earth, a symbol of everlasting harmony. Airland provides natural comfort and harmony for individuals who desire for a quality lifestyle, makes sleeping a comparable blend of the body and the mind, and leads to an everlasting accord of nature and quality life.          Founded in Hong Kong in 1966, Airland is the leader of the China spring mattress industry. With over 49 years’ of hard work and dedication, the company’s scope of operations has successfully expanded from solely manufacturing and sales of household products to real estate developing, property management, power station and toy manufacturing. AIRLAND is now a multi-facet corporation, which is not only popular at home but also well known and has considerable market share in foreign countries including North America, Europe, East Asia and etc. During the past years, Airland has gained numerous awards including:1984 - The 6th International Quality Furniture Product Award1986 - United States International Quality Furniture Award1987 - The 15th International Quality Product Award1994 - 1996 France International Technology and Quality Award1996 - The 10th European Gold Award1997 - Spain Voumard Business Reputation Award2001 - “Credible Quality and Satisfying Service” issued by Product China Consumers’ Foundation2002 - 2006 Continuously awarded “Famous Brand in Guangdong”2003 - Awarded “Guangdong Famous Trademark”2005 – Hong Kong Famous Brand Award             As heritage of its brand character of integrity, profession, elegance and upholding of nature, and the traditional Airland spirit of “Quality is Uppermost”, with innovative design and advanced technology, Airland has created high-end sleeping products that meet International standard of low carbon emission for customers who are pursuing comfort and healthy sleep. Consistent focus on mattress industry over years has created the myth of Gold Airland Series being the best seller for 25 years, and has also laid down the foundation for the outstanding position of Airland in China’s mattress industry.             Airland group has now stepped to a brand new stage of development, with the win-win goal of developing the company as well as yourself, we are welcoming more ambitious talents to join us.

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