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Our CompanyWe are a subsidiary firm of Assa Abloy Group(***********************), one of the Fortune 500 and world leader in access control solutions. Our company is well positioned in healthy and fast growing phases, and holds full intellectual properties of our products which are developed in house by our R&D team.Founded in 1997, Shenzhen Peake took the lead in early development, production and sales of contactless IC cards and solutions inChina. Also offered to our long time customers is a brand range of applications known as One Card Solutions in access controls, attendance records, parking systems, elevator controls, and convenient pays, etc. Our solutions provide great functionality, reliability and values to our customers in residential and commercial buildings, institutional complexes, and government branches. After joining Assa Abloy group, we are expanding our reaches and access to an even broader market and potentials than ever before. To support this type of growth, we are now inviting talented people to meeting these challenges and opportunities together with our team公司介绍    深圳市披克科技有限公司是世界五百强、全球开门方案领导者[亚萨合莱]集团(***********************)下属的子公司。公司处于健康和持续高速发展的阶段,公司的产品全部为自主研发,拥有完全的知识产权,并享有多项国家专利及计算机软件著作权。    披克公司成立于1997年,是我国从事非接触式IC卡应用产品开发、生产和销售的专业厂商和一卡通系统解决方案提供商。公司具有完整的系统软件开发及硬件设备配套能力,可为各类应用提供系统、全面的解决方案。公司的产品线涵盖了非接触式IC卡的全部应用设备,包括:门禁、考勤、消费、巡更、停车设备、电梯控制、会议签到等。系统解决方案包括:大厦一卡通、小区一卡通、企业一卡通、校园一卡通等。多年来披克公司的产品和系统以其优越的功能、极高的性价比和可靠性,已经广泛地应用于政府、税务机关、银行、邮电、大型厂矿、部队、智能小区及交通等各个领域,倍受各界用户的青睐。加入亚萨合莱国际集团之后,公司的发展前景更加广阔,现诚邀高素质的人才加入我们共同发展。       我们为您提供:    -业内极具竞争力的薪酬体系和激励机制;    -巨大的上升空间、灵活的晋升机制、和强大的展示、发挥舞台;    -规范完善的各类培训和学习系统;    -完善贴心的保障措施:五险一金、五天八小时工作制、各类足额假期……    -丰富多彩的福利与文化活动,如深圳***调入、年度旅游等。   温馨提醒:    为更好地加深了解,增加信任,请您在面试时随身携带本人身份证、社保卡、毕业证、学位证、离职证明等有效证件(如有,请全部带上)及相关的资质证明材料,感谢配合。

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