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学校位于太仓市苏州中路200号,占地120亩,交通便捷,环境 优雅,一流的设备设施、舒适完备的住宿条件,为学生营造了温馨的家 外家的学习环境。学校在名校长的带领下,汇聚了一大批业务精湛,敬业善导、乐于奉 献的中外师资团队,实现与上海教育教学同步,共享优质资源,接轨国际先进教育。

 The campus, located in Suzhou Middle Road, offers convenient transportation, an elegant environment, advanced facilities and comfortable student accommodations. It covers and area of 120 mu and offers a home away from home for all our students.Under the leadership of famous principals, the school boasts a large number of Chinese and foreign teachers with superb teaching skills, professional ethics and dedication to their students. This enables the school to develop alongside Shanghai educational environment, share excellent educational resources with our community and help students integrated with advanced international educational practices.

学校由中锐教育集团投资创办,中锐教育集团先后投资创办了苏州伊顿国际 学校、合肥世界外国语学校、太仓市华顿外国语学校等14所基础教育及职 业教育的特色院校,全国在校学生约15000人,是目前国内教育业务范围 最广,投资规模最大的教育集团之一。

Taicang Walton Foreign Language School is a private, full-residence bilingual school in Taicang. It was founded by Chiway Education International Service Co. Ltd. (CEIS), which has invested in 14 specialist schools, such as Etonhouse International School of Suzhou, Hefei World Foreign Language School and Taicang Walton Foreign Language School. CEIS has 15,000 students across the country. It is the largest independent investment group and is one of the most well-known domestic education businesses.


(一)国内部课程构架/domestic educational system:


National Curriculum: Based on the curriculum of Jiangsu Province, Walton Foreign Language School adapts it into its own features, so as to help students with laying a solid foundation based upon acquiring knowledge, integrated skill development, multifaceted learning techniques, tutoring for enrichment as well as learning exceptionalities, and education for well- rounded and multifaceted development.

 2、学校课程(三大层次)/School Curriculum (Three levels)








1) Foundational curriculum: The foundational curriculum is based on the school's educational philosophy and training objectives, which are firmly entrenched in the foundation for students to become outstanding talents. The foundational curriculum consists of four courses which are taught throughout the elementary period, the junior high and the senior high period.

a) The Global Citizenship Training Course: this is a behavior-based course, which is not taught in the classroom, but throughout the whole process of student learning; This “course” aims to cultivate the student's temperament and noble spirit through education on etiquette, expression of oneself, manners, sentiment edification, spiritual and emotional guidance. 

b) The Analytical Thinking Course: The ability to think is the foundation of all our abilities. Through special training, this course enables students to change their thinking from low level receptors to high level participants who continuously ascend from low efficiency to higher and higher efficiency, and from general thinking to innovative thinking, so that students can acquire better learning abilities, so as to achieve lifelong learning and advanced self-development

c)The Transcultural Course (Straddling both Chinese and western culture): This course aims to help students to establish a good cultural awareness and a truly global view. It can make them wise, polite, benevolent, determined, trustful and knowledgeable through the learning of our own outstanding traditional culture as well as, enabling students to learn westernized cultural, values, behaviors and thinking patterns. By simultaneously comparing these two models, they can acquire critical thinking abilities and an enlightened capacity for judgment, which can lay a solid foundation for making them worldly talents on a global stage.

d) The Aesthetics of the Natural World Course: This is a practical course, which integrates the knowledge of the human being and the natural world. This course requires observation ability, writing proficiency, aesthetic appreciation, and lifelong learning skills. Students can learn to appreciate the natural beauty and experience nature’s and life’s brilliance, resilience and persistence through planting, observing, recording, experiencing and being inspired.

2) The Elective Courses: Elective Courses are for peripheral and enhanced educational learning, they provide a platform for students to build interest, to cultivate personality, and to enrich school life. The courses include student clubs, such as dancing, singing, drama, chess and specialty classes such as shadow boxing, calligraphy, Kung Fu, etc. Besides these, we also have extension classes in Chinese, higher mathematics, foreign language, and other expansion courses from the national curriculum.

3) The Inquiry Courses: Inquiry courses promote a student’s ability for discovering, researching and creativity. For example, these courses combine with the regional characteristics of Taicang City, and courses which are themed with Zheng He, (The most famous navigator in Ming Dynasty) and the maritime Silk Road.

(二)国际部课程架构/International Education System



Senior High School Department resorts to the idea of “cultivating students with multiple level intelligence, and providing students with various ways of enrolling in Overseas Universities. The International Senior High Department adopts a four-year schooling program which goes from grades 9 - 12. Grade 9 employs the basic framework of a modified North American curriculum. Chinese, Math, English as Second Language (ESL), sociology, integrated courses, art, physical education and other basic courses as established in our course handbook. We also have Canadian University options, American University options and other preparatory courses in the curriculum. For Grade 11, students will choose relevant international and elective courses according to their own study plans such as; Canadian, American, British and other countries’ curriculum. At the same time, we are authorized IB-DP and A-Level school as well as a IB-PYP candidate school and we are working on the authorization of it in October, 2019. 

国际项目/International Programs

1. 2+1 北美项目


The 2+1Canadian Program at Walton is a Sino-Canadian Project in high school that is jointly conducted by our school and an affiliated school district called Kamloops in Canada. After completing two years of learning (10th grade and 11th grade) and completing the required credits, the students will go straight to the public schools of Kamloops in the 12th grade. After students complete the credits required by the Canadian school, they will directly receive Canadian diplomas. In the end, students will apply directly to Canadian Universities with a Canadian high school diploma.


Walton Foreign Language school believes that the core of school education is the curriculum. The school curriculum ideology determines what students learn, how to learn, and why they learn. The Walton Foreign Language School changes the traditional school moral education and makes a clear distinction in the pedagogy of education. The whole campus is our students’ classroom for all the instructional time. All the school activities are part of the curriculum. They are constructed with a scientific and analytical concept of modern education and blend with a liberal arts curriculum system that realizes the importance of a “Holistic Education” that will be the foundation for our creation of Global Citizens.

2. 国际文凭大学预科项目(IB-DP)


As an official IB World School, our school has been authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to offer the IB Diploma Programme (DP) at senior school level. We also work hard and expect to be authorized to offer the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) in October 2019. Our local and foreign staffs are working hard together to make our school a fully authorized IB PYP school. We are also cooperating with other schools offering the IB curriculum as we grow in the world of high-quality international education.


The Diploma Program is the earliest stage of the entire IB curriculum system(1968). This phase of the course is open to students between the ages of 16 and 19. The whole course lasts for two years, which is equivalent to China’s year 11 and 12 study. After completing the DP curriculum, students apply for university globally.


The entire curriculum is divided into six subject groups and three core courses. The subject groups include native language, acquired language, sociology, experimental science, mathematics, art and optional courses. Based on the study of these six subject group, students in IB-DP stage will master three core skills like TOK(Theory of Knowledge), EE(Extended Essay) and CAS(Creativity, Activity, Service).

3. 剑桥国际项目(A-level)

CAIE,全称Cambridge Assessment International Examinations,是剑桥考试委员会旗下的三大考试委员会之一,成立于1858年。目前为全世界超过160个国家,超过10000所学校提供教育项目授权和教育考试服务。Primary, Secondary,IGCSE和A-Level等都是CAIE旗下的全球考试。

CAIE(Cambridge Assessment International Examinations),one of the three examination committees of Cambridge Assessment founded in 1858, is now providing international education programs and qualifications for over 10,000 schools in more than 160 countries. CAIE involves global examinations like Primary, Secondary,IGCSE and A-Level.


Walton Foreign Language School has also implemented a new program that complements our IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma) program as well as the other curricula that are part of our educational structure. A-Level is a British high school curriculum and is widely recognized around the world, especially in English speaking countries like UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Inheriting the rigor of British education, A-Level is the best option for most students for its flexibility in both exam arrangement(twice a year) and subject options.




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    方向一:外企或大型企业高级财务人员 方向二:专业财务公司 方向三:银行、证券公司等金融机构财务管理专业就业前景从职业分布来看,财务可以划入企业的主战场。这是因为在大的企业里财务能够创造非常大的价值。一个一定规模的企业财务总监能够拿到几十万甚至上百万的年薪,那时因为在那样的公司通过财务管理比如税务筹划、资金运营、内部控制等等能够创造几百万甚至上千万的价值,某种程度上比业务部门的价值并不小。比如房地产公司而言,财务能力甚至会成为公司的核心竞争力之一。而且随着管理的发展,财务会逐步的介入业务,大家对财务的重视程度会越来越高。将来的高层管理者,谁在说自己不懂财务那就不应该了。公司里的三驾马车,无论如何是应该有财务的一席之地的。需要说明的是,财务在企业中的价值和地位跟企业规模关系很大。一些很小的公司,皮包公司老板或者老板娘就相当于财务经理,顶多设个出纳,规模再大一点的公司,如果要设副总,一般也是业务出身,财务就是中层,因为业务有限,财务能够创造的价值本身就有限。 财务人员的职业规划,可以有这么几个方向: 方向一 外企或大型企业高级财务人员财务本身是一项专业性很强又非常稳定的职业,如果选择把财务作为职业方向,首选的职业目标是做外企或大型企业的高级财务人员。财务高管人才大都处于企业的核心层,他们不仅要求了解企业的经营运作,还要在企业的经营投资方面提供建设性的意见。按照目前的经济环境,这类公司所需要的高级财务人员一般有财务副总裁、财务总监、财务经理、高级财务分析经理、财务主管等。当然,这些职位对人的要求也会比较高。一般要求资质至少是在会计师以上,不少于5年的大中型企业财务管理经验等。例如,一家外企招聘高级财务经理时的职位要求是:良好的教育背景,英语流利,很好的沟通能力,Word、Excel熟练,娴熟的财务业务能力和管理能力,良好的协调能力,熟悉西方会计,熟悉有关中国法律。对于许多初级财务人员和准备走这条路的人来说,从毕业参加工作的那一天起,就该朝这个方向去努力。不要想当然认为有个两三年工作经验就好找工作了,仅会做凭证、会报税、出报表这类纯粹的会计是远远不够的,这在财务领域来说是属于较低层次的。唯有从财务管理、预算、分析、决策等全方位提升,注重沟通能力和英语运用能力的提高,培育管理视野和全局观念,提升自身综合素质,才能使职业生涯提高一个层次。 方向二 专业财务公司以四大国际会计师事务所为代表的专业财务公司,也是大量吸收财务人员的一个就业领域。从某个角度看,会计师事务所是一个能使个人快速成长的学校,其培训、工作和管理机制会令从业者学到许多专业知识和管理理念,审计从业经历也会为将来的财务管理工作提供独特的视角。不过,在会计师事务所工作所承受的压力往往是非常巨大的,加班和出差是家常便饭,高强度的工作使得很多人难以将之作为终生的职业方向。这类专业财务公司更适合两种人:高层管理人员和年轻人,前者重在发挥管理能力,而后者主要是学习和锻炼。对于刚走出大学校园、又准备在财务方面发展的年轻人来说,先进入会计师事务所锻炼一段时间,等积累了工作经验后再转向企业将会是很不错的选择。 方向三 银行、证券公司等金融机构资本运作在企业运营和发展中发挥越来越大的作用,如果有不错的金融知识背景,投身银行、证券、风险投资、保险等金融行业,做专业的财务人员也会有广阔发展的空间。譬如,具有丰富从业经验的证券分析师的收入相当丰厚,而奇货可居的保险业精算师可以说是金领职业。
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  • 西安外事学院学术资源丰富!
    截至2013年,馆藏书刊152万余册,镜像站拥有中文电子图书近40万册(种)、电子期刊6286余种,会议及学位论文214万余篇;光盘数据库包含所有随书光盘等大量科技信息资源。参与陕西省高校文献信息保障系统的建设,与兄弟院校图书馆建立了广泛的馆际文献信息共享关系,可通过复制、电子邮件(E-mail)、传真、邮寄、联机下载等方式向用户提供文献传递服务 。
  • 西安外事学院科研条件好!
    学院创办了国内最早的民办教育研究机构——民办教育研究中心。2012年12月被陕西省教育厅确立为陕西省第三批(高校)哲学社会科学重点研究基地,民办教育研究中心被中国高等教育学会表彰为“全国高校优秀高等教育研究机构” 。设有应用法学研究所、思想政治教育研究所、外国语言文化与外语教学研究所、信息技术研发中心、西部经济发展研究所、中国传统文化研究所、文化产业研究所、艺术研究所、大学生体质健康研究所等科研机构。
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  • 西安外事学院教学成果大!
  • 西安外事学院历史悠久
    西安外事学其前身是创建于1992年的西安外事服务培训学院。1996年,经陕西省教育厅批准,成为首批学历文凭考试试点院校。 2000年5月,经陕西省人民政府批准,成为普通高等职业院校。
  • 西安外事学院挺好!
    西安外事学院(Xi'an International University)位于古都西安,是一所以本科教育为主的国际化、应用型、综合性、高水平民办非营利性普通高校。 学校前身是创建于1992年的西安外事服务培训学院。2000年5月,经陕西省人民政府批准,成为普通高等职业院校。2005年3月,经教育部批准,更名为“西安外事学院”。2009年6月,获得学士学位授予权。2018年2月成为陕西省一流民办高校建设单位 。
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